Life safety code lsc deficiencies associated with the annual inspection and testing of fire doors should be cited under k211 means of egress general.
Cms fire door inspection checklist.
E fire door assembly inspection checklist beginning with the 2007 edition and continuing with subsequent editions nfpa 80 standard for fire doors and other opening protectives section 5 2 inspection and testing requires all fire door assemblies to be inspected not less than annually.
Image courtesy of ashe approximately one year after the implementation of centers for medicare medicaid services cms requirements for annual door inspections in health care facilities an interesting phenomenon has developed.
Standards and handbooks nfpa80 standard for fire doors and other opening protectives 2010 edition nfpa80 standard for fire doors and other opening protectives handbook cms health care life safety and fire protection codes set includes.
Officials with cms had taken the position that the new requirement applies to healthcare occupancies.
Fire door inspection resources ashe is developing resources to help members comply with new conditions of participation from the centers for medicare medicaid services cms which requires routine inspections of fire doors performed by qualified persons.
If the inspection indicates problems that may create a fire hazard hospitals are required to resolve the issue.
Under the prior cms standard it took eight hours to conduct a visual and physical inspection of the doors and barriers says kaiser.
2018 as the date for full compliance with the annual fire door assembly inspection and testing.
Check door leaf and frames for fire door labels.
Nfpa can provide an expert instructor along with a customized training program at your facility for the 2012 editions of nfpa 101 and nfpa 99.
Within the national fire protection association s nfpa 2012 life safety code lsc which cms adopted last year there is a requirement that fire doors and smoke barrier doors be tested annually.
This page provides basic information about medicare and or medicaid provider compliance with national fire protection association nfpa 101 life safety code lsc and nfpa 99 health care facilities code hcfc requirements and includes links to applicable laws regulations and compliance information.
That position however was met with pushback.
Nfpa 80 2016 balancing safety and security with fire doors dampers and door locking.
Upon inspection these doors often don t meet nfpa 80 standard requirements.
Full compliance with the annual fire door assembly inspection and testing in accordance with 2010 nfpa 80 is required by january 1 2018.