Spray foam insulation is available in open cell and closed cell.
Closed cell spray foam with 1 5 mineral wool in attic.
Johns manville corbond iii closed cell spray polyurethane foam insulation offers and r value of r 7 per inch and can be applied in a single pass to a maximum of 3 5 inches providing superior thermal performance with seamless air sealing and moisture control in a single step.
Once applied closed cell foams become rigid and have an r value range from r 6 to.
Open cell spray foam has a low density and is many times applied in interior walls and areas that are hard to reach in a home.
Mineral wool batts for 2 4 walls have an r value of 15 while a standard fiberglass batt made to fit in a 2 4 wall has an r value of 11 or 13.
The r value of open cell spray foam is about 3 5 per inch although the r value can be different depending on the product.
Multiple immediate passes with no wait time may also be applied.
If you want to install spray foam in a stud wall and price is no object then it would seem to make sense to specify closed cell spray foam right.
Mineral stone wool insulation batts are slightly better insulators than the off the shelf fiberglass batts sold at most lumberyards and home centers.
Open cell foam has an r value of about 3 5 to 3 7 per inch while closed cell foam has an r value of about 6 per inch.
Open cell and closed cell each with different characteristics.
Open cell spray foam has an r value of about r 3 7 per inch while closed cell spray foam has an r value that may be as high as r 6 5 per inch.
There are two main types of spray foam.
As i noted in a different article air leakage through spray polyurethane foam open cell spray foam only needs to be 3 or 3 5 inches thick to form a decent air barrier.
With high yield and excellent adhesion it s an.
The inch of foam filling the gap between the courses of stud can be done more cheaply and uniformly using rigid polyisocycanurate and is higher.
This is very important in situations where your code requires an r 21 for the wall but you only have a 2 4 stud because closed cell spray foam is the only way you would achieve the required r value to meet code.
Insulating value and strength.
In these humid attics the moisture is getting through the open cell spray foam by vapor diffusion not via air leakage.