Wiki user answered.
Clark griswold stuck in the attic.
As foul mouthed holiday rants go a couple of chevy chase s as family man clark griswold in national lampoon s christmas vacation are up there.
What song was playing when clark griswold was stuck in the attic in the movie national lampoon s christmas vacation.
Of course that shouldn t come as a surprise.
Clark griswold is a terrible person.
With chevy chase beverly d angelo juliette lewis johnny galecki.
One type of attic ladder pulls down then slides to the floor the other type.
Directed by jeremiah s.
The griswold family s plans for a big family christmas predictably turn into a big disaster.
What was the song playing while clark griswold was watching home movies in the attic.
For entertainment and enjoyment purposes only.
Clark griswold s ford taurus station wagon is shown to have exterior wood paneling an option that was never available on this car.
1 decade ago.
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Clark griswold in the attic.
Just before clark gets locked in the attic he pulls out an old present from a hidden slot.
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Where s the tylenol as foul mouthed holiday rants go a couple of chevy chase s as family man clark griswold in national lampoon s christmas.
Asked by wiki user.
Rodney dangerfield has dom deluise rolling on the floor laughing 1974 duration.
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The next scene he is seen trying to alert a family member that he is stuck in the attic by knocking the attic ladder on itself.