Plate e 09 rev2 curb drain.
City of denver design standards curb gutter.
D 109 wall design rectangular structures dwg or pdf d 110 slab design round structures dwg or pdf.
City standard specifications.
Plate e 10 1 revc utility trench.
Links to various resource documents related to city utilities including standard specifications and drawings and stormwater design and procedures manual.
Dwg 5 0 april 10 2018 modification to wastewater std dtl s 501 1 s 701.
Eds changes summary 2018.
Special cross gutter steep grades plate e 03 4.
Denver public works.
Riser height wastewater manholes.
Transportation standards and details for the engineering division denver public works city and county of denver public works department approved by.
In general a seattle standard plan 410b curb and gutter is used with flexible pavement and a seattle standard plan 410c doweled curb is used with rigid pavements.
Public works transportation standards and details for the engineering division pwes 001 5 curb gutter and detached sidewalk std.
Denver public works.
For questions regarding the city of anaheim s standard plans details please contact public works engineering 714 765 5176 revised april 2017 section 1.
The curb type used depends on the type of pavement being installed and shall be in accordance with seattle standard plans 401 and 402.
Technical memos october 18 2018 standard sandstone thickness waiver.
Directors memorandum for section 9 11 and 13.
Denver public works.
Design and procedure manual.
Division 3300 storm drainage.
Chapter 5 street access and parking lot criteria.
Chapter 11 technical drawings table of contents.
Plate e 04 1 revd concrete curb gutter median rolled curb.
Table of contents.
Chapter 4 utility locations and city utility easements.
Chapter 2 submittal procedures.
Chapter 1 general provisions.
Curb gutter and handicap p 301 standard curb gutter templates dwg or pdf p 302 physically handicapped ramps dwg or pdf.
Graph for special cross gutter.
Chapter 3 permit procedures and requirements.