Keck science department 1987.
Ceramics scripps college faculty.
Phd university of california los angeles.
At scripps we are grateful for assistance from the lincoln ceramic annual fund lincoln ceramic study center fund and the paul soldner endowment.
Ma phd university of california irvine.
Sarah gilman associate professor of biology.
Scripps low student faculty ratio of 10 1 and the collaborative nature of the college enable this personal experience.
Mark golub associate professor of politics.
Dear scripps college faculty and staff it is with pleasure that i announce the appointment of professor of art history mary macnaughton as the gabrielle jungels winkler director of the ruth chandler williamson gallery endowed by alumna gabrielle jungels winkler 72 through a generous gift.
Paul s fire piece acquired by marer ceramics collection scripps college claremont california 2004.
Scripps college and w m.
Phd university of california davis.
Shigaraki ceramics cultural park collection shigaraki japan acquired 2005.
60th scripps ceramics annual scripps college claremont california 2004.
Scripps college founded in 1926 is a nationally top ranked liberal arts college and a member of the claremont colleges.
Scripps college and w m.
With approximately 900 students scripps college offers an intense learning experience with small classes on a campus famous for its beauty.
James higdon professor of physics.
Scripps college and w m.
Ba university of pennsylvania.
Keck science department 2011.
The scripps curriculum is built on the expectation of close faculty student interaction and faculty engage deeply in mentoring advising and providing personalized instruction to students.
Keck science department 1991.
Scripps college and w m.
Reviewed w image in kerameiki techni a greek ceramics journal.
Keck science department 2000.
Lincoln ceramics center at scripps college the joan david lincoln fellowship provides generous financial support and infrastructure for art students pursuing ceramics including the 5 000 square foot joan david lincoln ceramics center and a visiting professorship in ceramics.
The ceramics major at scripps college provides students with a firm grounding in ceramic history and technology while exposing them to the broader vistas of the contemporary fine art world.
A small student faculty ratio and 24 hour studio access creates an environment conducive to the production of singular works of art.
Finally we thank the williamson gallery s advisory council dean of faculty amy marcus newhall president larissa tiedens and the trustees of scripps college.