Jun 16 2017 explore rashana evans s board ceramics rubrics posters for classroom on pinterest.
Ceramics project rubric.
Sculpture art project rubric.
See more ideas about ceramics ceramics projects clay lesson.
Clay rubric poor 0 pts fair 10 pts good 15 pts.
Included are 7 take home projects plus one collaborative project a visual journal sketchbook activities sketchbook assignments critiques and more to help students grasp.
The project is a great starting point to working with ceramics and it covers the basic vocabulary studnts need to know when working with clay.
Glaze kiln green ware leather hard bo.
Items unacceptable 12 points beginning 14 points developing 16 points accomplished 18 points exemplary 20 points craftsmanship form was not completed and project is incomplete.
Download file powered by create your own unique website with.
Ceramics rubric for projects student name.
Students love this project and always keep them and actually use them.
Did not add initials and year to bottom of sculpture or fill out rubric or did not write a caption for sculpture fair only put initials on the bottom of sculpture or only filled out the rubric or only wrote the caption.
Grading rubric ceramics student name.
Rubric for grading individual art projects pts.
Project does not meet minimum expectations for craftsmanship.
This curriculum pack includes everything i use to teach my high school level introduction to sculpture and ceramics course.