David feinberg clarence morgan lamar peterson jenny schmid corinne teed mathew zefeldt.
Ceramics faculty university of minnesota.
Cems faculty are actively engaged in groundbreaking research and earn remarkable achievements by remaining on the forefront of science and technology.
Tom lane associate professor ceramics.
Room w218 612 626 6961 jestep umn edu.
Jan estep beverly and richard fink professor in liberal arts interdisciplinary art social practice.
In march 2019 i came for the necaa conference that was held in minneapolis and had the opportunity to curate a conference show at the northern clay center emily galusha gallery.
David feinberg associate professor drawing painting.
Ph d ceramic engineering university of illinois at urbana champaign 1990.
The ceramics program at the university of minnesota morris offers rigorous instruction in both low fire and high fire ceramic techniques.
Our award winning faculty are leaders in research and scholarly publishing recognized by the guggenheim foundation the national endowment for the arts nea the national endowment for the humanities neh the getty research institute the social sciences research council the mcknight foundation and the doris duke foundation among other national and international institutions.
Ceramic engineering university of illinois at urbana champaign 1987.
I was excited to apply to a strong liberal arts institution with a significant ceramics legacy warren mackenzie and current faculty members such as tetsuya yamada.
Faculty full time and term.
Ceramics can be selected to fulfill either the major or minor media requirements in studio art.
The university of minnesota is an equal.