Matching tiles to existing wall tiles or floor tiles already fitted can be a nightmare.
Ceramic tile matching service uk.
So you are not alone.
Applying too much pressure when securing fittings can result in damaged to tiled walls which is costly and inconvenient to repair.
Find out more 0117 959 8888 wholesale tileflair co uk exclusive tile style matching service if you re looking for tiles to match your unique style and struggling to find something really different exclusive and that little bit special then you re ready for our free tile style and matching service.
In an ideal world everyone with floor tile would have a stash of extra tiles handy for replacing damaged ones.
Ceramic tile is an age old material that both beautifies the home and helps make it safe and clean.
However this is easily remedied using magicman s repair process which exactly re creates the tiled finish exactly matching colour pattern and finish.
Initially contact the tile shop from where they were purchased you may be in luck and they.
When you are repairing tile or working on a home.
An example of our bespoke tile matching service and customer service values tile matching is something we are asked to do from time to time.
What steps can you take to try to find matching tiles.
Whilst a full bespoke service might not be economic to replace just one tile there are times when professional tile matching is key to working with the interior design scheme of our customers.
If i had a pound for every customer that walks into our shop wanting to find a tile to match up i would be a millionaire by now.