The university provides ug pg m phil.
Ceramic technology syllabus in anna university.
The syllabus was provided on the official website of the university.
Anna university courses details are given here.
Ceramic technology semester i course code course title l t p c theory cr8101 material characterization techniques 3 0 0 3 cr8102 materials science 3 0 0 3.
Ceramic technology syllabus 3 college of ceramic technology west bengal university of technology b tech.
Faculty members of the department of ceramic technology.
Here me8351 manufacturing technology i notes download link is provided and students can download the me8351 mt 1 lecture notes and can make use of it.
Courses under distance education mode.
Also anna university follows the dual semester system.
Ceramic technology or bachelor of engineering in ceramic technology is an undergraduate ceramic technology course the course deals with the properties manufacture design and applications of ceramic materials.
Check out the anna university courses and syllabus 2020.
Realizing the urgent need and demand for trained man power required for the ceramic industries in india anna university started a m tech degree programme in ceramic technology in the department of chemical engineering during the academic year 1990 91 with a financial support of rs 50 lakhs from m s carborundum universal ltd chennai.
Ct 501 refractories i 3 0 3 3 2.
University departments anna university.
Download istudy app for latest syllabus timetables and updates from anna univ no ads no pdfs.
Process modelling simulation and optimization.
Given below in detail.
Subjects contacts periods week credits l t p total 1.
Anna university manufacturing technology i syllabus notes question bank question papers regulation 2017 anna university me8351 manufacturing technology i notes are provided below.
Kalaichelvan professor and head.
Electronic ceramic materials and their applications.
The ceramic designers are concerned with designing various types of ceramic wares used in industries households institutions corporate houses and other places.
So anna university offers courses in engineering and technology through its affiliated colleges.
Ct 502 glass i 3 0 3 3 3.
Chennai 600 025 regulations 2013 i to iv semesters curriculum and syllabus full time m tech.
So every year university conducts the examinations for even semester in may june and for an odd semester in november december.
Tancet 2020 part iii material science and ceramic technology syllabus for m e m tech m arch m plan.
Candidates who got admissions in this university are searching for its courses syllabus.