The individual databases are organized differently some depend on the spectroscopic technique others are ordered by classes of compounds or applications.
Ceramic spectral database.
70 000 monochromatic xps spectra data.
Free spectral database fast text access to hundreds of thousands of free nmr ir raman uv vis and mass spectra.
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New data were updated 403 spectra 2015 01 06.
Additional information about the database may be obtained through the following links.
Result display page with structures.
Atomic spectroscopy intro outlines basic atomic physics concepts explains terminology and notation.
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New data were updated 446 spectra 2013 04 01.
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A single spectrum serves the comparison with the own data for example to identify a substance or elucidate a structure.
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Their high quality spectral libraries are ideal for the interpretation identification verification and classification of spectra.
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Bibliography bibliography of data sources used for this database.
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Xps spectra xps data pdf spectra books xps softwarexps books wall charts digital xps databases with 70 000 monochromatic xps spectra.
Some of the pigments were also applied as glazes over paint layers or metal leaf.
New data were updated 517 spectra 2013 12 04.